What To Know To Help Your Case
Interviewer: What other mistakes do you see people make once charges have been filed either by victims or by defendants that hurt their case?
Ladan Law: Well, here’s a mistake that’s made. We live in a country, that under the second amendment people are allowed to possess firearms; and in Florida there are no registration standards. So, while you are on probation for a domestic violence case, or under an injunction you’re not permitted to have in your possession a firearm. A lot of people either don’t hear that admonition, don’t read it, aren’t properly advised, and a vindictive family member, spouse, friend that makes the call could subject a person to violating probation or the conditions of an injunction by simply possessing a firearm that they’ve had for years.
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So, that’s one of the special conditions that are often overlooked. Nine times out of ten people get themselves into trouble by thinking with their heart and not with their head; and trying to rekindle that romance. Domestic violence is often times a crime of passion and it is a crime between people that know each other very well. It’s really important before a defendant reaches out to a family or the alleged victim, to talk to an attorney to find out and clarify what the rules are. Because a person that is in that emotional state and may not be in familiar territory can make some decisions that adversely affect their criminal case down the line.