What To Do Next

Interviewer: For people out there that are reading this book or possibly listening to this interview, what should they do next if they’ve decided that they want to speak to you about representing them for a DUI case? How should they call you? Where should they go? What should they do?

Ladan Law: We’ve got two office locations and a third office location by appointment only. We’ve got an office in Longwood, we’ve got an office right in middle of downtown Orlando and we’ve got an office in Kissimmee. All three are manned. All three are staffed. They are all physical locations. If you would a consultation, the only thing you have to do is go onto our website at https://www.ladanlaw.comIt has a wealth of information on there. It’s got contact information.

Or you can call us directly. Our main office number is 407-487-2522. We answer our phones almost 24 hours a day. We forward the business lines to our personal cell phones after hours. For people that have a nine-to-five job, and can’t have this discussion with an attorney. We offer that service. They can call us into the evening. You are going to get to speak to an attorney. We don’t have a telephone service that answers our calls. When you call, you’re going to get to talk to an attorney. Our initial consultation is absolutely free. If you’re in here, sitting in my office, I would tell you a lot of the same information that I have put out here in this book.

Interviewer: This has been an extremely informative and useful interview, Keith. Is there anything that I should have asked you that I didn’t ask you that you want to talk about?

Ladan Law: A lot of people think a DUI is going to be crippling expensive. I don’t want to talk to any attorneys because I’m embarrassed about finances and whatnot. My suggestion is this, go talk to them. It’s not going to cost you anything initially. If you talk to them and their fee is something you can’t handle, at least you go away with a wealth of knowledge and you can make an educated decision on what you want to do next.

A good initial consultation is all about educating the person that has gotten the DUI, giving them the options and then letting them make an educated decision. We offer a variety of payment plans. We accept every form of payment that anybody could ever think of. If that’s an issue, I’d ask you to give it a second thought. Come on in and talk to us. We’re very reasonable people and we’ll try to work with you, best as we can.

Author: Amir Ladan
A former assistant state attorney for Orange/Osceola Counties, Amir has handled thousands of cases and dozens of trials, ranging from DUI and traffic offenses to murder, in both adult and juvenile court.

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Orlando Office

The Ladan Law Firm, P.A.
121 S Orange Ave #1420
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407-487-2522
Fax: 407-657-1526

Kissimmee Office

The Ladan Law Firm, P.A.
808 West Mabbette Street Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: 407-796-9563

Longwood Office

The Ladan Law Firm, P.A.
1220 Commerce Park Dr., #207
Longwood, FL 32779
Phone: 407-796-9179

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