Preventing Auto Theft in Orlando

Auto Theft, also known as Car-Jacking is a common crime not only in Orlando, but all over Florida. According to statistics, the state of Florida is listed as the third most popular state for car thefts after California and Texas. Due to this reason, auto theft is not just considered as a property crime, but is dealt with a charge of grand auto theft.

Whether someone threatened you to give your car, stole it, or took your car away without your permission, you can file a grand theft auto charge. Similarly, any willing passenger riding in a stolen car can also face grand theft auto charges. A grand theft auto charge is a serious crime in Florida and is considered a third degree felony. The person charged with a third degree felony can possibly face up to five years in prison or five years probation with a $5,000 fine.

To charge someone with a grand theft auto charge, you will need to get in touch with an criminal defense attorney. Similarly, if you were riding in a stolen car without knowing that it was stolen and have been charged with a grand auto theft charge, then again you need to get in touch with a lawyer.

Proving a grand auto theft is difficult, which means that any driver or passenger riding a stolen car will not necessarily be charged unless it is proven that they knew the car was stolen. If the driver or passenger testifies in court that they did not know the car was stolen, the owner of the car cannot press charges.

Similarly, if you happened to borrow a friends or neighbors car, and had no idea that someone had stolen that car, you can defend the charges against you. However, this does not mean that you can simply walk away. If you get caught in a stolen vehicle, the police will stop and arrest you. Cases where the accused admits to stealing the vehicle are cases which lead to definite charges.

How to prevent Car Lifting

In order to prevent car lifting, you can take several important measures. They not only make your vehicle less prone to theft, but they can also help reduce your auto insurance bills. Some of the common tips to follow are to:

  • Always keep your vehicle locked
  • Never leave your vehicle idle
  • Keep your car keys in your pocket if you have to park and go away
  • Have car safety alarms or steering wheel locks installed in your vehicle

Similarly, do not drive to shady or dingy places where the risk of car theft or accident is great. You must also not stop on your way if a stranger approaches you or asks for a ride. If someone does try to stop you, drive to an area which you believe is safe to stop, like in front of a convenience store where you see people around.

Some people are under the impression that only expensive cars become a target of theft, but that is not true. You will be surprised to know that vehicle models as old as 1996 have also reported to be stolen. So make sure you follow these safety tips no matter the make and model of your car.

Author: Amir Ladan
A former assistant state attorney for Orange/Osceola Counties, Amir has handled thousands of cases and dozens of trials, ranging from DUI and traffic offenses to murder, in both adult and juvenile court.

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Orlando Office

The Ladan Law Firm, P.A.
121 S Orange Ave #1420
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407-487-2522
Fax: 407-657-1526

Kissimmee Office

The Ladan Law Firm, P.A.
808 West Mabbette Street Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: 407-796-9563

Longwood Office

The Ladan Law Firm, P.A.
1220 Commerce Park Dr., #207
Longwood, FL 32779
Phone: 407-796-9179

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