Drunk Driver Goes The Wrong Way

Way Over the Limit

What causes someone to drive the wrong way down a major road? Shaylyn Brady suggests she may have just been a little confused. According to the police report, Brady said she did not know how she ended up on State Road 408 in Orlando, but she did realize she was driving the wrong way. Officer Kristine Rosado, however, thinks it might have been the alcohol she was drinking.

Brady was pulled over at around 12:45 in the morning after hitting another car while driving the wrong way down the state road. The car she hit flipped over after hitting a guardrail. Brady was driving from a friend’s house after presumably having some drinks at a local restaurant. The driver of the other car only suffered minor injuries, but their car was seriously damaged.

Rosado stated that she could smell alcohol from outside of Brady’s car, and that her eyes were bloodshot. She also had slurred speech. When stopped, Brady initially refused to exit her vehicle, but eventually took and failed a sobriety test. Standing on one leg was apparently not her best skill. Although she did eventually agree to take the test, she wasn’t very complacent about it. Officer Rosado reported that 22 year old Brady argued heavily during the incident.

Since she failed the sobriety test and appeared intoxicated, Brady was taken to a DUI testing center. Brady did have the option to refuse the field sobriety test, but by doing so she would have been immediately arrested and taken to a DUI testing center anyways. As the officer suspected, Brady was intoxicated. Test results averaged .212 blood alcohol level.

In Florida, this would be considered a very high level of intoxication. Whereas the legal limit is .08%, those over 1.5% face even stiffer charges. Brady can expect to have her license suspended, pay up to $2000 in fines, spend up to 9 months in jail, and do possible community service. Since she initially refused a sobriety test, the amount of time that her license is suspended could be extended. Also if this is not her first offense, fines and jail time could be even higher. Hopefully she has an Orlando DUI attorney on speed dial.

Brady was eventually charged with drunk driving with property damage and personal damage. She was taken to Orange county jail and bonded out. Based on Florida policy to impound vehicles involved in DUI, she most likely did not drive away in her vehicle that day.

Besides having to deal with the embarrassment of being so drunk you would drive the wrong way, Brady also has a lot of legal headache in front of her. An Orlando DUI attorney could help her navigate through the administrative, criminal and possibly even civil court cases that she will now have to deal with. Lucky for everyone involved, there were no major injuries or fatalities, or she could face even more legal troubles. For now, everyone is probably happy she is not driving.

Author: Amir Ladan
A former assistant state attorney for Orange/Osceola Counties, Amir has handled thousands of cases and dozens of trials, ranging from DUI and traffic offenses to murder, in both adult and juvenile court.

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